CBD Company - MedTerra


Ranking and Market Share

#4 - 4.0% of overall market. 2019 sales: $98 million; 2018 sales: $7 million

Product Portfolio

Tinctures (oil), capsules, topicals, pet

Distribution Channels

Natural food stores, mass pharmaceutical retail chains, online, alternative care offices


Completely CBD-focused, THC-free brand with broad mainstream consumer appeal. Considered a "disruptor" due to its rapid growth from 2018 and appearance on mass retail shelves alongside products from more established players. Focus on ensuring quality and consistency from seed to sale.


Competitive Advantages

Dedicated supply chain (formulation, testing) give the company tight control and great prospects for scalability; Purely THC-free products an advantage in states that are stricter from a regulatory standpoint, advantageous with retailers as well; Among first to receive high-quality seal from U.S. Hemp Authority

Core Competencies

Capacity for rapid ramp-up; Limited, quality product menu; Products effectively marketed to both mainstream consumers and retailers

Making the most money on

Tinctures, topicals

Doing well

Excellent search engine optimization; products sold at lower price points - particularly topicals; simple and clean branding


Beneficial trends

General consumer market interested in purchasing CBD but many unaware of current brand landscape in space - lack of CBD brand following and commitment among consumers combined with effective marketing give Medterra the unique advantage of being able to join the mainstream market early despite being a relatively new company, penetrating a wide consumer base despite short history

Niches competitors are missing

Low-budget topicals market, especially in mass retail channels

New needs of customers

Appealing to need for low-budget, accessible products on mainstream channels; THC-free products draw customers deterred by this cannabinoid due to concerns about drug tests or potential side effects

Additional growth opportunities

Diversifying and expanding presence in retail channels (both chained and independent)

Aspirations and Results

Desire to be known for

High-quality, safe and reliable product ensured from seed to sale, accessible to consumers across demographic and economic spectrum


Establishing brand recognition among a broader and more diverse consumer base; Leveraging success and growth in today's retail channels to develop additional retail relationships and wider distribution networks.

Results/milestones aiming to achieve

Investing heavily into marketing across age groups (from TV commercials for older demographics to digital displays for younger generations) with the aim of increasing brand recognition, especially beyond that driven by SEO.

Chief competitors

CW Hemp, Sagely Naturals, cbdMD

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